Coming Soon
Excited to see what we are up to next? Check out all the productions that are in the works. Help support our films by donating to our Indiegogo links attached to each image.
Obscura (September 2025)
From the WPB Creators of the Zepotha Film for Emily Jeffri's Film Competition, we bring to you a NEW 80's slasher film. With the success we had on our last slasher film with over 55K views on YouTube and our TikTok page has a 1M+ views video. We are super excited to make another 80's slasher film!
Birds of a Feather (2025)
After the accident, a young 20-year old girl finds herself separated from her best friend amidst the chaos. Battling between delusion and reality, she is determined to find her friend through the confusion and horror. Filled with suspense and unexpected twists, "Birds of a Feather" is a gripping tale of friendship and survival.
Press Delete (Coming Soon)
A remake of Ariana Grande's Music Video, We Can't Be Friends.